About Your Hosts


Josh Birch is an analyst here in Nashville. He tries to rate movies based on the experience he had watching them, and not just the movie’s merits in “the art of cinema.” He’s known for having well-thought-out logical opinions about each movie he watches, unlike these other three bastards.

Rick Fox is a Nashville based writer who is currently writing his third novel. You can find him on twitter at @rickhfox where he posts about his progress. In theory. He’s known for having well-thought-out logical opinions about each movie he watches, unlike these other three bastards.

Brian Poteete is an artist and should tell Rick what he wants to be written here. He’s known for having well-thought-out logical opinions about each movie he watches, unlike these other three bastards.

Alana Jones is a numeromancer, artist, and author who is regularly drowning in piles of abandoned creative projects. She’s not known for much, having only expressed opinions on books until now, but soon she will gain a reputation for having well-thought-out logical opinions about each movie she watches, unlike these other three bastards.